Medical services
Fire information
Emergency evac plans
How to get here
Important phone numbers
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Trinity Center CSD
Trinity Center VFD
Coffee Creek VFD
Internet access
Cell phones
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North 40 articles
Trinity Journal
Coffee Break archive

How to get to the North Lake area

Driving Directions (All times and distances are approximate)

From the South
From Interstate 5 at Redding, take Highway 299 west to downtown Weaverville. Take Highway 3 north out of Weaverville to the north end of Trinity Lake.

Approximate driving distance from Redding to North Trinity Lake, 60 miles. Approximate driving time from Redding to Trinity Center, 1 1/2hours.

From the North

From Interstate 5 at Yreka, take Highway 3 south over Scott Mountain to Coffee Creek and Trinity Center.

Note: in the winter weather season, call CalTrans before taking this route since the pass over Scott Mountain is not always plowed.

Approximate driving distance from Yreka to north Trinity lake, 80 miles. Approximate driving time from Yreka to Coffee Creek, 1 3/4hours.

From the Coast

From Highway 101 at Eureka, take Highway 299 east to downtown Weaverville. Take Highway 3 north out of Weaverville to north end of Trinity Lake

Approximate driving distance from Eureka to Trinity Center, 140 miles. Approximate driving time from Eureka to Trinity Center, 3 hours.

Fly-in information

Trinity Center is the only airpark community along a public runway, adjacent to a lake in California. Flying into Trinity Center airport (O86) is fun and amazingly beautiful. Nestled in the Trinity Alps, Trinity Center is only 34 nm from Redding.

Unfortunately, we don't have fuel at Trinity Center. Or the entire county for that matter. So be sure to calculate your fuel and plan on stopping if needed before coming to the mountains. You can get the latest fuel prices on AirNav.

Since Trinity Lake level can vary between a foot or two over "full" to 100+ feet down, your aerial view of the airport can change each time you come in.

We do not have rental cars. However, many of the vacation rentals can arrange pickups at the airport.

Airport data

Trinity Center VFD
Emergency: 911
Firehouse: 530-266-3420
Info: 530-286-2270

Coffee Creek VFD
Emergency: 911
Firehouse: 530-266-3955
Info: 530-266-3443

Mountain Community Medical Services (Trinity Hospital)
Emergency: 911
Tel: 530-623-5541

Trinity County Sheriff
Emergency: 911
Tel: 530-623-8127

Trinity Center Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3350

Trinity Knolls Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3504

Coffee Creek Acres Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3255

Seymour Water District
Tel: 530-266-3805

Treasure Creek Woods Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3286

Covington Mill Mutual Water Company
Division A (Covington Mill)
Tel: 530-246-9691

Covington Mill Mutual Water Company
Division B (Lake Forest)
Tel: 530-768-0302

Trinity Public Utility District
Tel: 800-968-7783

Trinity County Solid Waste
Tel: 530-623-1326 x108
Snow line x199

TDS Telecom
Tel: 800-358-3648

Trinity Center CSD
Tel: 530-266-3238

Trinity Center Post Office
Tel: 530-266-3455

Trinity Center Library
Tel: 530-266-3242

North Trinity Lake Improvement Association
Tel: 530-266-3807

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