The Coffee Creek Volunteer Fire District was formed in 2004.
Their first board of directors was appointed by the Trinity
County Board of Supervisors on June 15, 2004.
Mailing Address:
Coffee Creek Volunteer Fire District
HC 2 Box 3951
Trinity Center, CA, 96091
Firehouse: 530-266-3955
What does the Coffee Creek VFD do?
A public agency, supported by donations and fundraising activities, the district operates
under Fire District Law established in 1987 and is an independent
Special District. The district's purpose is to provide fire protection and emergency medical
response to the district residents.
The district is governed locally by a five-member Board of Directors,
elected during the general elections held in November. The Board
of Directors is responsible for setting policy and general administrative
procedures for the district. The policies and procedures set
by the board are then administered by the Fire Chief of the District.
Section 13800, et seq, of the
California Health and Safety Code, known as the Fire Protection District Law of 1987, is the enabling
legislation for the CCVFD.
What properties are in the Coffee Creek VFD?
Virtually all private lands north of Hatchet Creek, including East Fork.
View a district map
(district outlined in purple — it abuts the Trinity Center CSD outlined in red.)
Who is on the Coffee Creek VFD board?
The five CCVFD board members are:
- George Lawrence (president)
- Lorrac Craig (vice-president)
- Barry Bowen
- Bobby Rangel
- Marla Walters (Secretary)
When are CCVFD meetings held?
Monthly meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the Coffee Creek fire hall.
CCVFD Officers
- Chief: Tony Valls
- Assistant Chief: Steve Renten